YLE ICR18500 1700mAh (Orange)
Official specifications:
- Typical capacity: 1700mAh
- Minimum capacity: 1600mAh
- Nominal Voltage: 3.7 volt
- Internal impedance: <80mOhm
- Energy: 6.29Wh
- Charging method: Constant current with limited voltage
- Standard charge: 4.20V, 1190mA, 17mA cut-off, 25°C
- Charging voltage: Max. 4.25V
- Standard discharging: 340mA (0.2C), 3.0V cut-off, 25°C
- Continuous discharging: 1700mA, 45°C or under
- Max. pulse discharge: <5sec, 4100mA (3C)
- Discharge cutoff: 3.0V
- Operating temperature standard charging: within 0 to 60°C, 45 to 85%RH
- Operating temperature quick charging: within 10 to 45°C, 45 to 85%RH
- Operating temperature standard discharge: within -20 to 60°C, 45 to 85%RH
A 18500 battery, the 1 mm more thickness compared to a 17500, do increase the capacity significantly.
The curves looks very good, as long as I do not overload the battery.
The battery looks very good when stating inside the rating, but it can deliver considerable more current.
A usual this type of battery gets an acceptable rating.
Notes and links
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Compare to 18650 and other batteries